Employer Alert: Ontario Judges Are Refusing to Enforce Employer Friendly Termination Clauses On October 18, 2016, I spoke to a room full of lawyers about the state of the law concerning the enforceability of termination clauses in employment contracts. In particular,...
New court case necessitates review of termination clauses in employment contracts Some employment contracts have termination clauses which state that an employee will receive notice of termination “in accordance with the Employment Standards Act” or words to that...
Not all termination clauses are enforceable: Here’s One Way to Attack Them Employers include a termination clause in your employment contract to take away your rights, i.e. to reduce the amount of termination pay you are entitled to receive. If your employment...
Is your employment contract enforceable? We’ve written before on the importance of termination clauses in employment contracts. A recent case from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice is a good example of not only including a termination clause in an employment...
How much Notice of Termination is a Probationary Employee Entitled to Receive? I draft employment contracts for most of my employer clients. When doing so I always ask whether the employer wants to include a probationary period clause in the contract. A recent...
Fixed-Term Employment Contracts are a Bad Idea I do not like fixed-term employment contracts and have written a number of blogs on this topic. This blog summarizes a recent decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal that reinforces my aversion to fixed-term contracts....
The “Bottom Line” of Restructuring In today’s shifting economy, restructuring is common amongst large and small employers. Restructuring may involve shifting employees within a company, but more commonly it also involves the elimination of various sectors...
Understand what your employment contract means before you sign it! So you have just been offered a job and your prospective employer has asked that you sign an employment contract before you start. Should you have it reviewed by a lawyer first? The language used in...