Termination Clauses: Are They Enforceable? Employees often come to us to review their severance packages. Assessing whether a severance package is fair often depends on whether or not there is a termination clause in an employment contract. We carefully review the...
Leaving Your Job: The Dos and Don’ts of Resigning. Are you considering resigning? Do you know how much notice to give your employer? Do you know that your employer could sue you for failing to give enough notice? Reasonable Notice of Resignation Most employees...
Employee Terminations: Doing It Right Employee Terminations: Doing It Right The toughest job for most managers is terminating a colleague. From the legal perspective, the challenge is to minimize the organization’s legal exposure and conduct the termination meeting in...
MacLeod Law Firm: A 360° Perspective on Employee Termination Jobs come and go. It’s the nature of our economy to deal with employee termination. But when this occurs, it is our job to resolve the situation fairly and efficiently. For over twenty years, MacLeod Law...
Wrongful Dismissal Update: What is Reasonable Notice of Termination? Wrongful Dismissal Update: What is Reasonable Notice of Termination? In Ontario, an employer generally may terminate an employee at any time by providing the employee with reasonable notice of...
Reasonable Notice – It Works Both Ways | MacLeod Law Firm Reasonable Notice of Resignation Many people think an employee is required to provide two weeks notice of resignation by law. However, neither the Ontario government nor the Ontario courts have made this...
Employment Contract – Implied Terms of Employment: Another Reason For One An Employment Contract – Implied Terms of Employment An employment contract cannot predict every scenario that will arise in an employment relationship. However, you can anticipate...
Minimizing Employee Termination Costs Employers often call us because they are thinking of terminating an employee. They want to know the potential legal repercussions associated with the proposed termination and the termination costs. The first question we ask is: Is...