Getting terminated during a medical leave Generally speaking, if an employee is terminated without just cause they are entitled to receive “reasonable notice” of termination unless they have agreed to accept a specific amount of notice of termination. An employer can...
When can your Employer ask you for an Independent Medical Exam? Employees often work with disabilities. The health issues they experience do not seriously affect their ability to complete their job duties. But sometimes, illness or injury becomes too much and an...
Can my organization implement a drug testing policy at the workplace? If you’ve been following the news over the last few months, you know that the Ontario Superior Court of Justice refused to allow the union’s injunction against the TTC’s random drug and alcohol...
Employer Obligations: Pregnancy and Parental Leaves We often get calls from employers asking about their rights and obligations toward employees seeking pregnancy and parental leaves. Applicable Legislation About 90% of employees are provincially regulated and in...
Changes to Parental Leave: What You Need to Know Background Congratulations, you’re planning a family! If you or your partner is pregnant, or you are thinking about becoming a parent, you are probably wondering what maternity leave, pregnancy leave and parental...
Changing an Employee’s Shifts After a Medical Leave is Discrimination Many employees require a medical leave at some point during their career. Often the difficult period begins when they return to work and are not supported. Employees have the right to...
You Think your Employee May have a Mental Illness that is causing Performance Issues. What do you do? One of your employees has been missing a lot of work lately and has also been unusually emotionally erratic. In addition to the attendance and behavioural issues...
Are You Entitled to Damages if You are Harassed at Work? The short answer is in some cases yes. Damages under the Ontario Human Rights Code You can obtain damages if you have been harassed because of your race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin,...