Serving Alcohol at Events: Employer Liability If you are serving alcohol at an office party on your premises, you should take certain precautions. Your organization may be held liable for damages an intoxicated employee causes after leaving the party. You can read...
Occupational Health and Safety Act Amendments – Health and Safety Training is Now Mandatory The Occupational Health and Safety Act’s new regulation mandates basic safety awareness training for all Ontario workers and supervisors – with a specific focus on...
WSIB: Three Issues for Employers to consider. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) – Three Issues for Employers to consider 1. Are all workers covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)? Most employers are covered under Schedule 1 of the...
Workplace accidents: Whose fault are they? Workplace accidents – Five things to keep in mind when they occur When a workplace injury occurs, the Ministry of Labour (MOL) decides whether to lay charges under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). If...