Due Diligence and Why It’s Important
Due Diligence and Why It’s Important Employers have various obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“the OHSA”), including the very broad, catch-all duty to take every reasonable precaution in the circumstances to protect workers. When there is...Doug’s Year End Rant
Doug’s Year End Rant Earlier this week I concluded that the rule of law no longer applies in many Ontario workplaces. The epiphany hit me when I was meeting with the Managing Director of a boutique law firm. When I use the expression “rule of law” I mean the...Bill 148 – Summary of Changes to the Employment Standards Act and When Each Change is Implemented
Bill 148 – Summary of Changes to the Employment Standards Act and When Each Change is Implemented On November 22, 2017, the Ontario legislature passed the final version of Bill 148- the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act. Below is a summary of some of the...#Metoo #Himtoo #Youtoo – Sexual Harassment and Violence at Work
Following #metoo, what needs to happen for there to be a positive culture shift? Here are my suggestions for how to reduce sexual harassment and violence in the workplace.