Fired and Your Union Won’t Help? Options to Consider
If you have been fired and your union is not giving you information or has said it won’t represent you, learn your rights on the process.
The MacLeod Law Firm’s 2018 Employment Law Seminar: A ½-Day of Ford, Cannabis & Human Rights
The MacLeod Law Firm’s 2018 Employment Law Seminar: A ½-Day of Ford, Cannabis & Human Rights Subscribers to this blog receive a brief description of a new employment law development every two weeks. Some topics however deserve more than a cursory discussion. We...Secret Recordings at the Workplace (Part 2)
Secret recordings and surveillance may give rise to claims for breach of privacy, constructive dismissal, and/or breach of the duty of good faith.
Another Example of a Senior Executive Being Awarded More Damages Than Expected
Another Example of a Senior Executive Being Awarded More Damages Than Expected A recent case decided by the Ontario Court of Appeal demonstrates yet again that relying on informal understandings with an employee about their rights on termination is a very bad idea. In...Will a Judge Enforce the Termination Clause in Your Employment Contract?
An employer can significantly reduce the amount of termination pay that it would otherwise owe an employee by including a termination clause in an employment contract.
Secretly Recording Your Boss: A Slippery Slope (Part 1)
One question I’ve been frequently asked is whether an employee can record a conversation with their supervisor, usually without the supervisor’s knowledge.