Employer Alert: Payroll Costs in Ontario are Going Up (Again) on April 1, 2018. Who Should Read this Blog If you use a temporary help agency or hire casual or part-time employees then you should read this article. Because starting next month there is a change to the...
The Latest on the Legality of Random Drug & Alcohol Testing In 2013, the issue of whether an employer can unilaterally implement random drug testing was addressed by the Supreme Court of Canada. Bottom line: there are very few instances when random drug testing...
Recent Changes to the Employment Standards Act – Part I Trying to learn and apply the many recent changes to the Employment Standards Act to your workplace can be a daunting task. We are trying to make the process less intimidating by introducing the changes to...
What does “failing to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker” mean? When the Ministry of Labour lays charges under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”) after a workplace injury it often includes a charge under...
Doug’s Year End Rant Earlier this week I concluded that the rule of law no longer applies in many Ontario workplaces. The epiphany hit me when I was meeting with the Managing Director of a boutique law firm. When I use the expression “rule of law” I mean the...
Recent changes to Employment Insurance benefits In November of this year, Employment and Social Development Canada confirmed that new Employment Insurance (“EI”) parental, maternity and caregiving benefits will come into force effective December 3, 2017. We previously...
Bill 148 – Summary of Changes to the Employment Standards Act and When Each Change is Implemented On November 22, 2017, the Ontario legislature passed the final version of Bill 148- the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act. Below is a summary of some of the...
Top 10 Employment Law Developments in 2017 In 2017, the provincial legislature and Ontario judges continued to change Ontario’s employment laws. These changes resulted in higher payroll costs and a more regulated workplace. This blog briefly identifies 10 employment...