Understand what your employment contract means before you sign it! So you have just been offered a job and your prospective employer has asked that you sign an employment contract before you start. Should you have it reviewed by a lawyer first? The language used in...
Employers Must Honestly Negotiate Employment Contracts We previously reported on the duty of honesty created by the Supreme Court. In 2014, the Supreme Court held that the duty of honest performance requires the parties to a contract not to lie or mislead each other...
Employee Terminations: How Employment Contracts and Legal Consultation Prevent Legal Fires I strongly recommend that employers require all new employees to sign an employment contract with a termination clause. As a result, the employer knows how much it will cost to...
Avoiding Wrongful Dismissal Litigation: One Employment Contract at a Time Many wrongful dismissal cases are determined by the sensibilities of the judge who is appointed to the case. Some are employee friendly. Others are employer friendly. Consider the opening...
Preventing Legal Fires: Employment Contracts, No Discrimination Policies and Disability Management Programs I have been providing employment law advice to employers for over 25 years. I provide preventive advice and I put out legal fires. When I provide the former...
Debunking the Myths about Probationary Employees According to thelawdictionary.org the word probation means: “Determining if a candidate is suitable for a job before giving his full time creditation as a member of an organization.” Most employers believe that a...
Employment Contracts: Negotiating Tips for Senior Executives Negotiating employment contracts for senior executives requires a personalized review of the terms of employment. Driven, personable, results- oriented, leaders are always in demand. These high-powered...