Keeping Safe At Work Today, April 28, is a National Day of Mourning across the country for workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work related incidents. For many of us, we spend the majority of our time at work. Five out of seven...
Keeping Tips in the Servers’ Pockets – New Protections Under the Employment Standards Act For servers, tips generally form a significant part of their income. Pooling tips is a common practice in the restaurant industry whereby a server is required to contribute a...
No Vacation for a Year? Understanding your Right to Vacation Days You were offered a new position. You negotiated for a great salary and many vacation days. When you start working, your employer tells you that although your contract says that you are entitled to many...
The “Bottom Line” of Restructuring In today’s shifting economy, restructuring is common amongst large and small employers. Restructuring may involve shifting employees within a company, but more commonly it also involves the elimination of various sectors...
Are Restaurant Dress Codes Illegal or a Job Requirement? Right on time for International Women’s Day, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released its policy position on gender-specific dress codes. The policy is particularly relevant to the hospitality...
What Happens to your Pension if you are Fired? If you have been fired, you probably have many questions, including: “what happens to my pension?” The first thing to know it that your pension administrator has a legal obligation to provide you with clear information...
Understand what your employment contract means before you sign it! So you have just been offered a job and your prospective employer has asked that you sign an employment contract before you start. Should you have it reviewed by a lawyer first? The language used in...
The Cost of Not Reinstating a Woman to her Job After She Completes a Pregnancy Leave The Cost of Not Reinstating a Woman to her Job After She Completes a Pregnancy Leave We receive calls from women on pregnancy leave who have been told that their job is no longer...