Punitive Damages: Rare But Not Unheard Of
Although punitive damages are rare, the courts will not shy away from awarding them if the circumstances merit it.
How Important Are The Deadlines In Your Severance Package?
You should have your severance package reviewed by a lawyer before accepting it because it is possible to negotiate a better severance package.
Amendments to Increase Human Rights Protections for Ontarians
Members of the Ontario legislature are working to increase human rights protections. It seems more likely that Bill 40, rather than Bill 35, will become law
Working Notice: When working more than 9 to 5 makes it hard to find a way to make a living
While there is nothing inherently wrong with providing working notice, sometimes a court may find the employer should not get credit for this notice period.
Employee Protections During Police Record Checks
Recent changes to police record checks are now in force limiting what information employers can obtain from a police record check.