Hiring Mistakes 101 A recent case is a cautionary tale of what can happen if an employer rushes a hire. The Facts In this case, a former colleague emailed Mr. Buaron about an IT position at Acuityads Inc. Mr. Buaron said he was interested and met with the employer’s...
Common Employment Law Issues I speak with human resources professionals every day about various employment law issues. This blog deals with five of the most common issues that arise in my practice. Termination Pay In many organizations, labour costs often account for...
Employee Terminations: The ABCs Today’s Job market In this age of globalization and precarious employment most people change jobs many times in a career. Changing jobs is a fact of workplace life for most people. Some people are terminated and other people voluntarily...
Bonus payments: Are terminated employees entitled to bonuses that have not been paid? Bonus Plans Many employers use bonuses and incentive plans to motivate, reward, and/or retain employees. Often the money paid under these plans becomes an integral part of the...
Wrongful Dismissal: The Latest from Ontario’s Court of Appeal Wrongful Dismissal: The Latest from Ontario’s Court of Appeal Even though Ontario judges have been using the same test for 55 years to determine how much notice of termination an employee is entitled to...
The Cost of Not Reinstating a Woman to her Job After She Completes a Pregnancy Leave The Cost of Not Reinstating a Woman to her Job After She Completes a Pregnancy Leave We receive calls from employers who have hired a replacement for an employee who has gone on...
How to Save Money: Help a Terminated Employee Find a New Job Did you know that it is usually in an employer’s financial interest to help a recently terminated employee find alternative employment? Here’s why: the faster a terminated employee secures alternative...
Wrongful Dismissal Update: Three Ways to Minimize Termination Pay As readers of this blog are aware, many wrongful dismissal actions are now being decided by way of summary judgment motions. This blog summarizes a recent successful summary judgment motion involving a...