Disabled Employee Earning $ 22 000 Per Year Awarded $ 110 000 Damages In my experience, many employees are now claiming more than one type of legal damages in wrongful dismissal cases. This is particularly the case when the employee is disabled. A recent Ontario...
Hiring Mistakes 101 A recent case is a cautionary tale of what can happen if an employer rushes a hire. The Facts In this case, a former colleague emailed Mr. Buaron about an IT position at Acuityads Inc. Mr. Buaron said he was interested and met with the employer’s...
Common Employment Law Issues I speak with human resources professionals every day about various employment law issues. This blog deals with five of the most common issues that arise in my practice. Termination Pay In many organizations, labour costs often account for...
Bonus payments: Are terminated employees entitled to bonuses that have not been paid? Bonus Plans Many employers use bonuses and incentive plans to motivate, reward, and/or retain employees. Often the money paid under these plans becomes an integral part of the...
Legal Shades of Grey: Are offensive statements made on personal time just cause for termination? Hydro One Employee Terminated for Making Sexist Statement to a TV Reporter Shawn Simoes who worked as an engineer for Hydro One was recently terminated when his employer...
Tweeting your way to termination: Twitter privacy settings can’t protect you from the law Since the beginning of time, employees have privately complained about work and made inappropriate comments to friends and family. Today, however, this venting is happening...
Constructive Dismissal Update: 2014 Decisions I am often asked whether a change in employment (or more than one change) is a constructive dismissal. If so, the employee can quit and claim damages for pay in lieu of notice of termination. If not, the person receives no...
Employment Contracts: The Problem with Fixed-Term Employment Contracts I often get calls from an employer who has hired someone on short-term, fixed-term employment contract; that is, the person has been hired for 3 months, or 6 months, or a year. Sometimes the person...