Employees in a Union – What Can You Do if Your LTD is Cut Off? We are often contacted by unionized employees who have questions about their rights and the obligations of their union. For general information for unionized employees see here. Recently, the Court of...
Should you sign that Offer Letter? Have you been asked to sign back a written offer of employment, or sign an employment contract? This offer letter or employment contract has likely been drafted by the company’s lawyer and it likely takes away some of your rights....
Can my employer ask me to attend an independent medical examination (or IME)? We often receive calls from employees who have been asked by their employers to submit to an independent medical examination, or an “IME,” in response to the employee’s request for...
A No Cost Process for Claiming Damages If You Are Fired for Asserting Your Employment Rights If you are punished for asking your employer to comply with the Employment Standards Act there is a no-cost complaint process available to you. In particular, you can file a...
What kind of damages are you entitled to if your employer makes frivolous allegations about you? As we have written before, an employer may generally terminate an employee for any good business reason as long as it provides the employee with adequate notice of...
The Rights of Unionized Employees Are you a unionized employee? Have you been terminated or have you experienced mistreatment in your workplace on the basis of your age, race, religious views, gender, sexual orientation or any other ground? It is important to remember...