Are you aware of your obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)? Many employers are not, and the first phase of these obligations has already begun.
Did you know that as of Jan. 1, 2012, AODA required every provider of goods and services to comply with the Customer Service Standard?
Did you know that as of Dec. 31, 2012, AODA requires any provider of goods or services with 20 or more employees to file a Customer Service Accessibility Compliance Report?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, let’s get you on the right track now!
Complying with the Customer Service Standard is as easy as following steps one, two (and sometimes three and four).
For every provider of goods and services
Step 1. Prepare an accessible customer service policy. Click here for a template.
Step 2. Train employees on the Customer Service Standard. Complete a 45-minute online training course by clicking training course.
For every provider of goods and services with 20 or more employees
Step 3. Keep a written copy of your accessibility policy and notify customers that a copy is available upon request. This notice should be posted in a conspicuous space or on the organization’s website. Keep a record of employee training.
Step 4. File your Customer Service Accessibility Report by Dec. 31, 2012. Click for directions on compliance reporting.
This is just the first phase of the AODA compliance requirements. Stayed tuned for more information and suggestions on how to meet your obligations in 2013.